XF501 Defined Endothelial Cell Growth Kit

XF501 Defined Endothelial Cell Growth Kit is a complete medium for the optimal growth of endothelial cells from large vessels. The kit contains a medium with essential and non-essential amino acids, vitamins, organic and inorganic compounds etc. Additionally the kit contains an optimized combination of growth factors, hormones and a growth supplement.

By using this kit for the growth of endothelial cells there is no need to use FBS or other sera. All components in the kit aer free of animal and/or human derived materials.

The XF501 Defined  ndothelial Cell Growth Kit is for in vitro research applications only.

XF Cell Growth Kits

MSC505 Mesenchymal Stem Cell Growth Kit

MSC505 serum free mesenchymal stem cell growth kit is a complete medium for the growth of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC’s) isolated from bone marrow, cord blood, peripheral blood, fetal liver, lung and adipose tissue. The kit consists of a basal medium and a supplement.

By using this kit for the growth of mesenchymal stem cells there is no need for use FBS or other sera. All components in the kit are free of animal derived materials.

The MSC505 mesenchymal stem cell kit is for in vitro research applications only.

XF-K-500 is a complete and chemically defined medium for the optimal growth of human primary keratinocytes

TNC BIO Keratinocyte Growth Medium Kit chemically defined, is a defined low calcium (0,07 mM) medium formulated for optimal growth of human primary keratinocytes. It contains essential and non-essential amino acids, vitamins, organic and inorganic compounds, hormones, growth factors, trace minerals.

The medium is for research use only and not approved for human or animal use or for application in any in vitro diagnostic procedure.


XF212 XerumFree™

XF ViPro Medium Supplement

CHO cells

CHOiX for defined CHO culture

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